Halloween pumpkin challenge
As Halloween comes around, we answer the question on every surface scientist’s lips… what is the wear resistance of a pumpkin?
To find out, we tested samples from four different types on our TE66 micro-scale abrasion testing rig. Which was the most wear resistant? Watch the video to see the testing process and the results…
Here’s the technical bit: weight used: 240 g, revolutions: 1,200 rev completed, ball speed: 90 rpm, ball diameter: 25 mm, slurry: 4 um diameter particles in water (0.75 g/cm3).
A big thank you to third-year PhD student Lijia Yi who ran the tests, and to our Director Nicola who made sure nothing went to waste by barbecuing the leftovers (the acorn squash won the taste test).
Happy Halloween from all at nC²!