Professor Andy Milton, Dr Matthew Cooper and Dr Agnes Macey-Michalik are experts in elemental and isotopic analysis at the University of Southampton’s world-class Centre for Earth Research and Analysis Southampton (CERAS). Between them they have more than 50 years’ experience in this field of chemical analysis and are advanced users in a range of mass spectrometry techniques, with countless industry and academic projects under their belts.
If elemental or isotopic analysis is part of the solution for your project, we will call on the CERAS team’s specialist services. They have the expertise and experience to understand your issue, optimise samples for the best results, and select the right instrumentation to get the data you need.
CERAS’s suite of mass spectrometers includes instruments for bulk and high spatial resolution analysis, enabling the team to measure pretty much anything from almost any sample.

Dr Agnes Macey-Michalik, Dr Matthew Cooper and Professor Andy Milton, CERAS