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Meet Andrew Robinson

Dr Andrew Robinson, Facility manager of the National Infrastructure Laboratory (NIL) and the Testing and Structures Research Laboratory (TSRL) at the University of Southampton, is a specialist in mechanical testing and imaging techniques.

Having completed a PhD in experimental mechanics, Andrew worked for Lloyd’s Register on failure analysis and mechanical testing before joining the TSRL and NIL. With 15 years’ experience in this field of engineering, he has undertaken tests on countless material types for a wide range of sectors, including civil, aerospace and maritime engineering.

Andrew works with us on our clients’ mechanical testing projects, using his extensive knowledge of the NIL and TSRL’s cutting-edge facilities to program the rigs and validate test set-ups. He is also our go-to person for guidance on more complex or unusual mechanical testing requirements.

Find out more about our mechanical testing services

Photo of Dr Andrew Robinson

Dr Andrew Robinson

  • Our partnership with nC² gives industry access to a world-leading facility for mechanical testing, plus expert analysis and opinion.

    Dr Andrew Robinson, Principal Experimental Officer, TSRL

  • Our suite of mechanical testing and imaging technologies offers an exceptional breadth of capability across the loading scales, length scales, temperature scales and strain rates.

    Dr Andrew Robinson, Principal Experimental Officer, TSRL