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Subject Matter Expertise

Our subject matter experts can bridge the knowledge gaps in your organisation, helping you to achieve your R&D goals

Get in touch

While solving engineering challenges is a multidisciplinary endeavour, it’s not always viable for companies to have in-house experts covering every specialism.

nC2 can bridge that gap, working alongside you to provide the knowledge and advice you need in a cost-effective way.

We’ll hand-pick the right subject matter expert, either from our highly skilled team or our wider network of specialists, enabling you to move forward with confidence.

Whether acting as a helpline for occasional technical questions, more in-depth involvement across a project’s lifespan, or something in between, we can tailor a package to suit you.

So if you know what you want to achieve but need some help to get there, get in touch for a free consultation.

  • Bringing a subject matter expert on board can keep you on the right track when you’re faced with an issue outside of your company’s expertise.

    Professor Nicola Symonds, Director

How we can help

We offer expertise across the spectrum of materials science and tribology, including failure analysis, problem solving, product design optimisation and materials selection, all in the strictest confidence.

For example we can:

  • Become a virtual member of your team for a fixed period, to help with a specific aspect of a project or problem.
  • Provide ad hoc telephone or virtual scientific/technical advice when you need it.
  • Support your staff at meetings where scientific topics are under discussion, either internally or with external suppliers/clients.


  • Visit your site to examine in-service issues, production processes etc, and identify solutions.
  • Interpret test data or other scientific information into plain English and advise on its significance.
  • Advise on the right tests for your project and identify which service is best placed to run them (for routine or high-volume tests it might be more cost effective to use an external test house).
  • Liaise with test houses or other services/experts on your behalf.
  • Set test specifications with test houses and co-ordinate sample preparation and delivery.
  • Source highly specialist services, such as hazardous materials testing.


  • We know the right questions to ask and can translate technical discussions, cutting through the jargon to keep you in the loop.

    Rachel Triggs, Senior Consultant

Get in touch

Rachel Triggs, Senior Consultant, will be your first point of contact at nC2. She will work with you to understand your requirements and connect you with the right subject matter expert to provide the support or advice you need. Find out more about Rachel.

Contact Rachel to discuss your requirements

Rachel Triggs

Rachel Triggs

What we offer

  • Free initial consultation and bespoke quote, which may include free practice tests to determine the best test plan – if you’re not sure exactly what you need, we can advise you.
  • A choice of packages to suit your requirements.
  • Tests tailored to your needs, run by specialist staff in our state-of-the-art labs.
  • A comprehensive report including results and expert advice, plus a meeting to discuss the results.

Why choose nC2?

  • A testing and analysis service of the highest quality.
  • Access to specialised facilities and knowledge across the University of Southampton.
  • Packages to suit your budget and requirements – whether you’re looking for a one-off test or support for a major project.
  • Excellent customer service – we’ll keep you in the loop every step of the way.
  • High levels of customer satisfaction.